September 2019 - Update

Hello Family and Friends!

We hope you are well and enjoying the blessings of the Lord! We are so close to reaching 100% on both of our budgets! (read newsletter for report) Praise the Lord! As we head down hill into the remainder of 2019, please be in prayer that we will hit our goals and be able to return to the Philippines in January 2020!


Together 2019!

Missionaries from all over the world came #Together’19 for a powerful meeting in Orlando FL. The Holy Spirit inspired, encouraged, healed, and so much more! We are thankful we can be in the USA for this event! Not pictured is Graham, though he was there, he did not want his picture taken, ha! In this picture our some of our dear friends and co-laborers in the Philippines Ruth Clark, and Joanne Oftedahl!

Missions Trip July 2019

Missions Trip July 2019

John took a team from Colorado to the Philippines for a missions trip in July. They traveled to the remote island of Malapasqua. The team had a great time ministering and loving on the kids there. They kept a great attitude even with all the travel difficulties and inconveniences. They helped to paint the inside of church, do several kids and youth outreaches, and learned first hand what it is like to make a living in the Philippines. This team saw God change lives, as He was also changing their life!

We would love to host a team from your church! Please contact John on our Contact page!