Hello Family and Friends!
2020 has been full of ups and downs. We pray you are choosing joy as this year continues!
Day 175 of Lockdown at HHCR
185+ days!
The kids of HHCR have been in quarantine/lockdown for over 185 days! October 4 will be day 200! This photo was taken on day 175. We started holding parties once a month to celebrate God’s faithfulness and provision during these unprecedented times. During the parties, some of our staff and kids testify about what they have learned during the lockdown. As we approach day 200, we remember all God has done for the kids of HHCR! He is so faithful! Thank you for praying for the kids of HHCR! We continue to pray for this pandemic to end, and for God to be glorified through it all.
TCBY with Grammy 2019! - one of their favorite places to go!
Grammy, we miss you and we love you!
In August, Kathy, Kelli’s mom, was welcomed into Heaven by her Savior. The days and weeks following have been difficult. We miss her. Due to the pandemic, we could not return to the States. Kelli and our family are making the best of a sad situation by finding ways to choose joy. As soon as travel restrictions lift, Kelli will return to the USA to spend time with her dad and sister. For now we are grieving from a distance. We trust God works out all things for the good of those who love Him. We believe God is good - even when we don’t understand. Thank you for the many prayers and encouraging messages. We know we are not alone. God bless you!