January 2020 - Update

Hello Family and Friends!

We have tickets! We are flying out on January 20! Thank you for praying with us and #SendingUsPacking!


The kids love their Grandparents!

We are so grateful for family who believes in our mission and makes the most of every moment! This year in the USA has been blessing for our kids and the grandparents. We have squeezed the time to get the most with those we love! Please keep the kids and grandparents in prayer during (yet another) transition.


Christmas at HHCR 2019!

At HHCR Christmas is all about Jesus! There are parties, games, songs, dancing, and delicious food! Certainly all kids appreciate gifts, but at HHCR the kids know WHO Christmas is celebrating! Thank you for your generosity to the kids of HHCR and your part in making Christmas 2019 a huge success!

[Donate] to the HHCR Christmas fund by clicking here!

Also, select HHCR Foundation on your Amazon Smile account to give, even as you shop for your loved ones!