Hello Friends!
Thank you for praying for us and supporting our mission in the Philippines!
We love what we do, though not everyday is a glorious adventure
April, May and June we have hosted many wonderful teams from all over! April and May are summer months here in the Philippines.
The teams loved on the kids of HHCR (hhcr.org), as well as painted dorms, our gate, and taught music! It was a truly wonderful summer!
In addition to these wonderful teams the last three months have had their ups and downs. We battled a drought that cost us $200 a week in busing in water. We released 17 HHCR kids from our facility because they aged out of our program. We have been helping them manage their new life too. School has started back. One of our Ranch kids fell and broke her arm, she is ok now. The laws of the Philippines concerning school requirements have changed again, and we helping our kids cope up. It is time for annual photos with our child partnership ministry One Child Matters, so we have been capturing update photos from our 1,700 sponsored kids. Due to funding our feeding ministry with Convoy of Hope has been reduced from 5,000 to 2,000 kids. Our generator for our Ranch facility – home to 45 kids, 30 staff, and my family, has become un reliable and will need some major repairs. Our personal budget has been in the red the last few months as well. Non of these things was a surprise except for the generator and our budget. God has been with us every step of the way! Thank you for praying and believing in us! We love what we do!
If you would like to come or send a team please visit: WideOpenMissions.com
God bless you!