March 2023 - Update!

Hello Family and Friends!

ALL The Things!

It feels like it has been too long since we gave you an update on what the Lord is doing in the Philippines. So let me try to do a quick summary.

Our two older kids, Clara and Lincoln have been attending school on a different island. They are living with some fellow missionary friends. We are so proud of them. They are thriving at their new school!

Over Christmas we had two major blessings that have never happened as long as Kelli and I have been a part of HHCR. 1 - a local church we have really never met before reached out to HHCR and said they wanted to give gifts to every child! Members of the church took it upon themselves to purchase and pack gifts for each child at HHCR. The gifts were delivered just before Christmas day. Each child felt the real love of God through His people! 2 - Former students of HHCR have formed an alumni group calling themselves APM - Alumni Project Movement. This Christmas the APM surprised the kids of HHCR with a whole day of Christmas celebrations! Gifts, stories, games, meals and snacks, and best of all the love of Jesus! It was a beautiful day of former students giving back to HHCR’s new kids!

In January, my childhood friend and now fellow missionary Jeremy came to visit HHCR. Jeremy works with Builders International and they installed solar power on the campus of HHCR! Now HHCR is harnessing the power of the sun for electricity so we care share the true power of The Son with the kids of HHCR! (see what I did there?!) It was very encouraging to visit with my friend Jeremy and see all the Lord has brought us through!

In February, a mission team from Trinity Bible College in North Dakota came to HHCR for a week. This was our first mission team since March 2020 due to pandemic protocols in the Philippines. The kids of HHCR love teams!

Also in February, our mission sending network, The Tennessee Ministry Network, sent pastors to this region of the world to encourage their missionaries. It was a wonderful time of fun and fellowship!

In March, HHCR had our Annual Board Meeting. Later the same day we also had our first ever Awareness and Partner Celebration Dinner. It was a wonderful time of testimonies of what the Lord has done! We were also challenged to see how we can help even more children by working together! The work is not done and together we can do more!

This time of life has been very busy, but in a good way. The Lord is active and we are encouraged by all He is doing. Thank you for believing in our family and the kids at HHCR! God bless you!

New video! Learn how you can help!

You can see our latest promotional video my clicking the video! This video is only 1 minute long.

If you are interested in learning more click [here] to watch a longer and more detailed video.

The children at HHCR are amazing people! They are here because those who should have loved and protected them did not or could not. Now, HHCR has taken on the responsibility of raising them. And we love what we do! But any parent of teenagers can tell you that feeding and educating teens is not easy or cheap! At HHCR, we do our best to keep our costs down. Each meal is only a $1.50. Education is about $3 a day. But then there are family visits, court cases, medical needs, clothes, shoes, counseling… These are daily needs. You can help! $5 or $50, no gift is too small. Every donation goes towards helping raise the amazing children at HHCR!

Donate HERE!

Trinity Bible College Mission Team 2023 - Pack Your Bags!

1st Mission Team Since 2020

At HHCR we love mission teams! The kids of HHCR get to know their names and why they are on a trip. The kids love meeting new people! And the best part is the clear message that God loves the kids of HHCR! Sometimes the kids of HHCR think the USA is a like a magical place, and they cannot understand why anyone would choose to leave the USA to come to the Philippines and HHCR. And when the team says, “We are here to tell you God loves you!” it is a loud and clear message of the love of Jesus!

You and your church can join us in the Philippines by clicking [here:]!